The DI world is often perceived as a complicated mess that drives away consumers before they understand the importance of income protection. As younger generations, especially millennials, continue to proliferate the workforce it is necessary to target these individuals with the right education about the risks and what’s at stake.

If a client asks you why they should consider DI, or if your agent has recommended DI but you are unsure why we have a simple answer

Ask your clients (or yourself) a few simple questions…

  • Do you have car insurance to protect your from liability on the road? (yes).
  • Do you have life insurance to provide for your next of kin? (yes).
  • Don’t you think it makes sense to carry insurance that protects your ability to earn an income in the event of a disability? And that allows you to continue paying for the previous two insurance types mentioned? (yes).


Your most valuable asset is not your home or your car but is in fact your ability to earn an income. Disability insurance protects you, your financial status and your loved ones if you suffer a long term illness or injury.

We can help protect everything from personal paychecks and retirement savings to business loans and buy-sell agreements. And we place cases because the best plan is the one in force at the time of becoming disabled.

Dedicated To Your Success

Our work begins the second we receive an application. From the moment you fill out your forms, we are dedicated to finding the unique solution built around your client’s needs. We treat every application with urgency, care, and high levels of customization. We provide you distinctive options, making your sales much easier because your clients can tell their DI plan is tailored to them. We have one of the highest success rates in our industry because we take the time to ensure our partners are thriving. We don’t succeed until you do.